The Accountability Website is an initiative led by the Spanish Court of Audit (Tribunal de Cuentas) and with the participation of the Regional Audit Institutions of Valencia (Sindicatura de Comptes de la Generalitat Valenciana), Canary Islands (Audiencia de Cuentas de Canarias), Madrid (Cámara de Cuentas de Madrid), Balearic Islands (Sindicatura de Comptes de les Illes Balears), Castile –León (Consejo de Cuentas de Castilla-León), Principality of Asturias (Sindicatura de Cuentas del Principado de Asturias ), Aragón (Cámara de Cuentas de Aragón) and Galicia (Consello de Contas de Galicia) to facilitate accountability of local bodies and to allow citizens to have access to information and knowledge of the management developed.
Access to data of Local Authorities and information on their accounts.
Access to the Observatory and learn about the evolution of indicators of accountability.
Acceda al buscador de informes de fiscalización sobre entidades locales.