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Accountability Observatory

Compliance with statutory time limits for submitting the budget and the General Account.

  Financial year 2022 Financial year 2023
Local Entity Type Budget approved by 31/12/2021 Settlement budget approved before 31/03/2023 General Account approved before 01/10/2023 General Account rendered before 15/10/2023 Budget approved by 31/12/2022 Settlement budget approved before 31/03/2024 General Account approved before 01/10/2024 General Account rendered before 15/10/2024
Municipality 30.09 % 68.78 % 64.28 % 56.35 % 32.02 % 70.39 % 77.84 % 61.77 %
Provincial Council 54.05 % 94.59 % 70.27 % 68.42 % 63.64 % 90.91 % 84.85 % 76.32 %
Councils and Island Councils 22.22 % 77.78 % 44.44 % 40.00 % 20.00 % 100.00 % 60.00 % 30.00 %
Region 35.14 % 69.86 % 72.97 % 69.74 % 35.71 % 60.87 % 83.10 % 75.00 %
Community 32.58 % 74.90 % 53.13 % 34.41 % 32.69 % 79.18 % 71.81 % 39.83 %
Metropolitan Area 66.67 % 100.00 % 33.33 % 66.67 % 50.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 66.67 %
Chart of the legal term compliance with the surrender of the year 2022
wording of the chart
Chart of the legal term compliance with the surrender of the year 2023
wording of the chart

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